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Disney's Cinderella After 75 Years [Extra]

Cinderella directed by Kenneth Branagh was released in 2015 and 2020. The writers were Chris Weitz and Charles Perrault. Lily James cast Cinderella; Cate Blanchett played the stepmother; the prince was acted by Richard Madden. When it first came out, it earned $201,151,353 in the U.S. and $341,200,000 internationally.

Richard Lawson reviewed this movie in his Cinderella Is Traditional and Straightforward, but Plenty Charming. He first introduced the background of Disney’s work Cinderella’s stories. Then he talked about the overall style of Branagh’s Cinderella. Next, he discussed the performance of leading actors and actresses. After that, he pointed out the properties and customs. Last he praised Branagh’s aesthetics on the use of CGI. Lawson did not criticize from a feministic aspect; instead, he admired that it satisfied the girls and boys straightforwardly. The theme of having courage and being kind was “easy moral lessons”.

Personally, the movie did not change a lot regarding feminism; however, it was progressive in dealing with the male character and the romantic relationship between – prince Kit and Cinderella. First comes my critics. This movie, which was produced in the 21st century, still showed few traits of feminism – one of the controversial topics in Cinderella 1950. Cinderella 2015 told girls to “have courage and be kind” (throughout the movie) without distinguishing it from blind tolerance and obedience; it might also mislead some girls to expect “magic” or “fairy godmother” to “look after” them (02:11), while the truth was, we should make effort ourselves rather than expecting miracles. Then here are my appreciation. This movie added an unexpected meet between the prince and Cinderella. The prince pretended to be a commoner apprentice, and they had an equal conversation and exchanged ideas about life. This was a built-up for the love and marriage after the dance – they had known more about appearance and property. Additionally, Cinderella questioned her stepsisters, “Wouldn’t you like to know a bit about him before you marry him?” (39:40). This was also another emphasis to girls in front of the screen that relationship should build on souls.

They talked equally and deeply in the woods.



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