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Tuesday's Pre-Production Meeting

At the beginning of the podcast production, our group has held one pre-production meeting to discuss everyone’s progress and determine deadlines, responsibilities and the overall structure of the podcast. I held it at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, February 17 through Zoom meeting.

Before this meeting, we had assigned different roles and tasks to everyone.

Host: Zebang

Script Coordinator: Jenny

Podcast Director: Tianai

Podcast Editor: Tianai

Microsite Editor: Cicily

Researchers: Cassious

General Task Assignment

Jenny is the script coordinator. She will do the first part of the production. As soon as we finish writing the scripts in the Google shared document, she will reorganize them into a clear structure. Then Zebang, the host of the podcast, will write connections linking all the segments together and cueing the entire conversation of the podcast apart from his part. Finally, after everyone sending recordings to me, I will combine them and edit using Premiere. Cicily is the microsite editor, responsible for collecting the contents for the website and formatting them with Cassious was the researcher. She will do more research on this topic and share it during the podcast.

More Details


To clarify, if everything goes on as we plan, we will record separately using our own audio devices, and I will gather and edit them.

Aesthetic Elements

We all agree that intro and ending music are necessary. Also, people will choose the pictures and videos they like to include and send to the editor(me).

Segment Structure

Title: Disney and Its Effect on Social Construction Over Time

Introduction: 2 min

Segment 1: 6 min

Zebang, Cicily

Segment 2: 6 min

Cassious, Jenny

Segment 3: 6 min

Tianai, Cassious

Summary: 3 min

TO-DO List

During this meeting, we made a to-do list \ task timeline of the entire podcast project

1. Wednesday 12am: Finish your portion of the script, post on Google Doc.

2. Jenny: organize the scripts

3. Zebang: write connections

4. Meet again: finalize the entire script word by word

5. Friday 12am: finish recording your part, send to Tianai

6. Tianai: edit the podcast

7. Saturday 12am: write individual microsite contents, send to Cicily

8. Cicily: make the microsite

9. Tianai: send the final podcast to Cicily

Hopefully, everything will go on well.



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